Milan, Italy
26-29 March 2008
26-29 March 2008
F. Pagano,
Padua (IT)
V. Ficarra,
Padua (IT)
R. Ackermann,
Düsseldorf (DE)
26-29 March 2008
Milan, Italy
13,489 participants
3,440 abstracts submitted, 1,061 accepted
25 ESU Courses organised
Amongst the highlights of the scientific lectures were targeted therapy or ‘smart bombs’ for prostate cancer, the growing prevalence of nosocomial urinary tract infections (NAUTI), biological markers for urological cancers and optisiming targeted therapies for metastatic renal cell carcinoma, amongst others. The various EAU Sections Offices also called for closer collaborativeprojects and stressed the need for more exchanges in best practices. Heads of the various offices expect that collaboration with other disciplines such as medical oncology and radiotherapy will be given more attention in the coming years.