Virtual Congress 2021
EAU Crystal Matula Award 2021
V. Phé
Paris, France
EAU Willy Gregoir Medal 2021
M. Wirth
Dresden, Germany
EAU Frans Debruyne Life Time Achievement Award 2021
H. van Poppel
Leuven, Belgium
EAU Innovators in Urology Award 2021
J. Barentsz
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
EAU Ernest Desnos Prize 2021
M. Moran
Tucson, USA
EAU Hans Marberger Award 2021
A. Gallioli
Barcelona, Spain
EAU Prostate Cancer Research Award 2022
W. Fendler
Essen, Germany
36th Annual EAU Congress
8-12 July 2021
Virtual (Studio setting in Hilversum, NL)
After the completely remote EAU20 congress, a socially-distanced studio setting was arranged in the Netherlands for speakers who were able to travel. This led to a higher production value, more interaction and a concentrated scientific programme. The EAU Awards were handed out in pre-recorded video messages.
Facts & Figures
6,200 delegates
Virtual Congress 2020
EAU Willy Gregoir Medal 2020
M. Wirth
Dresden, Germany
EAU Frans Debruyne Life Time Achievement Award
H. Van Poppel
Leuven, Belgium
EAU Crystal Matula Award
D. Tilki
Hamburg, Germany
EAU Innovators in Urology Award
J. Barentsz
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
EAU Ernest Desnos Prize
M. Moran
Tucson, United States of America
EAU Hans Marberger Award
A. Larcher
Milan, Italy
EAU Prostate Cancer Research Award
D. Osses
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
35th Annual EAU Congress
Originally scheduled for 20-24 March 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, EAU20 was initially postponed to July and finally transformed into the three-day EAU20 Virtual Congress, followed by the EAU20 Theme Week.
Facts & Figures
7,500 delegates
130 countries