First congress without an appointed Congress President
25th Anniversary Congress
16-20 April 2010
Barcelona, Spain
Fact & Figures
10.660 registered participants
3,800 abstract submitted, 1054 accepted
38 ESU Courses organised
25th Anniversary EAU Congress
Live’ webcasts attract high visitors numbers
For the first time high visitor numbers were registered or viewed the live webcasts at the EAU’s www.uroweb.org. Recordings of the plenary sessions, debates, lectures, courses and workshops were posted live. Statistics on the website indicated a surge in visitors numbers and page hits even up to the first week of May.
Conservative kidney surgery
The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 30904 study released its findings during the Breaking News session which showed that conservative surgery is not inferior to radical renal surgery or nephrectomy. “Few patients progressed during the study, nine in the radical arm and 12 in the conservative arm,” said Prof. Hein van Poppel who issued the EORTC results during the plenary session on kidney cancer.
Special Aniversary Gift: launch of ‘Europe, the cradle of Urology’