5th EAU Congress
12-15 May, 1982
Vienna, Austria
Facts & Figures
700 Participants
413 abstracts submitted
For the first time a continuing education programme was organised in the city’s hospital for the first two days on Endoscopic Surgery, Principles of Oncological Treatment and Ultrasound in Urology.
In addition to the Clubs for Urodynamics, Pediatric Urology, Infertility and Impotence, three round tables formed the basis of the congress. Scientific topics were Renal Cell Carcinoma, microsurgery in Urology, Tumours of the Renal Pelvis.
Due to the growing volume of scientific material presented at each congress, three committees were set up; Scientific Committee (Prof. Hohenfellner), the Continuing Education Committee (Prof. Nagel) and the Film Committee (Prof. Sole Balcells)
At the end of the Congress Prof. Georges Mayor stepped down as treasurer and was replaced by Prof. Ernst Zingg from Berne. In recognition of his invaluable services to the Association, he was award the distinction of ‘Honorary Member’. The first ever in the Associations history.